How to make a great MICE brochure?

It all starts with knowing how to do it in the best way possible

It is not easy to make a good catchy brochure for the MICE Industry. It's different from Leisure, we've all figured that out by now. That is why we have analyzed the Joysters brochure for you and all our colleagues. We have not done this so that you will do the exact same thing, please do not do such a thing at all. Just do it in your own words and the way you want to tell your own story better to your clients. The stories grab their attention, you only have one chance to make a good impression. The pictures we used are all from the Dutch Brochure of Joysters. Download the brochures for free from the Hospitality B2B MICE Network page. Take advantage of it. Need help creating, compiling or translating?

Email us for more information. 

Front page

  • Photo; the intention is to make the customer curious right away. Joysters uses a door to a story that opens up to you. However, be unique. Come up with something where you draw attention with 1 photo.
  • Logo; that is up to you, but it does determine your target group to a certain extent by appearance.
  • Colour; a color is decisive, it can deter, give peace, but also match your appearance. 
  • Use short one liners, no long sentences, address the reader immediately, challenge him or her to read on.
  • Use a short sentence for whom the brochure is intended for.
  • The second page of the Joyster brochure is almost blank, but it's kind of a challenge or invitation to come see it for yourself.


  1. Go for example, not white on a pale blue background.
  2. Don't let the colors differ too much from the website.
  3. The story starts with the first page

Mission & Vision page 3

  • Mission; here Joysters tells us what they believe in, how they experience travel, perceive life. For whom it is intended! How it can excite you, and at the same time they challenge you to come and experience it for yourself. A brief explanation of why and an invitation. Each in a different wording. They indicate what makes the region they recommend so unique. A part of a country you don't know yet.
  • Vision; Joysters tells it from the perspective of experiencing the journey with 'them'. They come from the region themselves. Even if the guides know their way around. It is best to tell this from your own perspective: What do you want to show? How do you want to show that? Who are you going to meet? What will you experience? To feel? To smell? Taste?

Location page 4&5

  • Location; explain where it is and what it is like. How busy and well known it is. Whether it is touristy or not. That is what determines the target audience.
  • Photo; use a uniquely catchy photo that actually tells the whole story. Including the place where it is and can be found, people use the internet. They check!
  • Spots; add and discuss some unique places, such as a region, village, city or point of interest. And note, this is also checked as a prospect.


  1. Write the story in short, catchy text, keeping the reader interested.

Photos page 6,7,8 and 10, some of them with text

  • What do you want to show?
  • What do you want to express or visualize?
  • Your choice; as an example, Joysters uses unique photos of small boutique hotels or B&Bs. They are beautiful atmospheric pictures that invite you to get a preference for one or the other accommodation. The images nourish and influence the mind in a positive way.
  • The text with the photos is again the name, because you will undoubtedly look it up, and a description of the hotel, how it is there, the history and especially how hospitable.

History page 9

  • History; believe it or not, many participants in MICE events have an interest in the history of the venue, region, place or building. This is often due to their background, they want to learn and experience something and see with their own eyes.
  • Subsidies or tax refund; in the Netherlands it is even mandatory to have an 'educational' part in the program in a MICE event, this is tax deductible in Holland, so are the Ducth when it suits them. In practice, however, they do enjoy it, don't worry.


  1. Don't overload them with too much history, keep it short and attract their attention with catchy texts.

Wineries, breweries and distilleries page 11

  • Craft drinks; there is always enthusiasm among the participants for a good tasting. Wine, beer, gin, whiskey, liqueur or even lemonade. They all love it.
  • Businesses; name the companies by name and tell something about the history and what they do exactly. They're going to check anyway.
  • Text and photos; make sure they are fun to read and catchy. The photos should above all be images and clear. What are we going to do there? Can we do it there?


  1. Plan this as the last activity of the day, before you go back to the hotel and have your diner. Booze and stuff, you know,

Gastronomy page 12

  • Gastronomy; it is one of the most important parts of a MICE event. 
  • Food; describe how and why food is so important for a region, city or village. Each place has its own specialities, customs and how people prefer to eat together. It is important to propagate this.
  • Dish; describe the dish and the preparation as a story that you want to experience yourself.
  • Chefs and certain restaurants; incorporate the skill and fame into the story.


  1. Use good photos, beautiful and preferably with a dining group or have this reflected elsewhere in the brochure.

Daily 'food' customs page 13

  • Custom; wherever you go in the world, you will experience the real daily life of the locals when you experience their customs. Preferably in between, to feel and experience the same.
  • Local drinks; coffee served in a local way, a nice strong drink, described as an experience richer when you have lived it.
  • Sweets and savories; that one usual sweet snack at 3 p.m. or those savory snacks at 5 p.m. will make the reader long for it when you describe it.


  1. Name the unusual customs and characteristic foods of the region.
  2. Describe them in the story as a new item on their bucket list. 

Workshops - hands on approach page 14

  • Educational; a good workshop is educational, interesting and fun to do. The production process or working method often doesn't exist in our own country. That makes it fun and special to do together. Describe them like an event you have to experience.
  • Making; preparing or making something allows for understanding, experiencing and the opportunity to taste it for yourself. Describe the workshop as an experience with a group, there is so much interaction.


1. Find out what you can and cannot take with you on your way home. This will reduce disappointments on the return journey.

Outdoor and other activities page 15

  • Activities; always explore a region, let the participants get acquainted with nature or the city. Do that with appropriate activities, describe them from slightly sporty to extremely sporty. Something you should definitely do before you go back home.
  • Museums and other must-see attractions; name them and describe them in the story. Nothing as an obligation to do, but as an option. That goes for any activity. Watch them check. So come up with something special.


1. A picture is worth more than a thousand words.

2. Don't be too elaborate, describe them as particularly fun to do.

Photos page 16,18 and 22

  • Again, what do you want to express or show?
  • They should evoke atmosphere, a feeling that spills over to the reader. A feeling that one also wants to experience. They want to taste, see and perceive the same with their senses. It should almost be felt through the photo.


  1. Don't show too many posed groups, free expression is authentic.
  2. Show what you want to show!

Your believes & Statement page 17

  • Believe in; tell us what you stand for. What is your firm belief in how you want to do business? The usage of the word "Bleasure" a mix of Business and pleasure is a good example.
  • Statement; say what you think an event should look like. Promise what you can deliver and offer it, don't promise anything you can't deliver.
  • Strength; describe your strengths and, if necessary, say what you cannot and do or not want. Then it is clear for them and there are no further questions.


  1. Don't use too much text, less is better, worse is unclear.

Itinerary example page 19

  • Itinerary; from this point everything can go wrong. If you are coercive towards the customer, you lose their interest. Therefore, describe a whole week, and be clear that it is an example. It can be shorter, longer, customized and complemented with other activities and even combined with another destination.
  • Time off; provide free time for the participants, so that they can get away from the group for a while. That is really important, because it prevents irritation in practice and keeps everyone focused.


  1. Describe the ifs and buts in a different color or in bold.
  2. Keep them focused in fun catchy language.

Use maps page 20

  • Maps; use maps of the country and/or the surrounding area. Guaranteed that the participants will look it up.
  • Pinpoint; indicate the places you are going or can visit on the map. That makes it less abstract, because the places you go to really exist.
  • Design; use a map that fits the brochure if possible. Or if possible, in a digital version with a link to that place. Just do it, everything is on the internet.


1. Better lead the client on their way to information, than vice versa.

The invitation page 21

  • Closing word; a brief summary of what you want to offer the client. Using your passion for the destination, hotel or whatever you represent as an USP. In other words you can't help it that it is so wonderful, good and fun to be there and to be there as a guest.
  • The invitation; the offer that you almost can't or won't refuse, the outstretched hand, you can't wait to go or book the trip or hotel.


  1. Never unravel the lock, because then you will lose them.
  2. Ask for an action, a response.
  3. Keep it simple, but good.

Second to last and last page 23 and 24

  • Marketing; a one liner. Just a short one. 
  • Close with the logo of your company, and how they can contact you. Keep it simple and in the same style.

Content brochure highlights, describe these in your brochure!

Front page - Be unique and come up with something where you draw attention with. 1 Photo and not too much text.

Mission & Vision - Be authentic, play with words, be clear where you stand. What you want. and what you have to offer.

Location - Ibiza is easy, but unexplored regions are unknown, so use specific details. Clients check it anyway.

History - Nothing more important than a bit of stories from the past, this is where the real story starts in a fun way.

Wineries, breweries and distilleries - Clients just love it, but make it extraordinary. They have to remember it in a positive way.

Gastronomy - Good food, local food and dishes are essential to the success of the event. Believe us, you can end a bad day at the dinner table.

Daily 'food' customs - If you really want to know the local customs, funny habits or special treats and food. Then taste and  experience them.

Workshops - hands on approach - A cooking class, making something or experiencing an old process of craftsmanship. Is so much fun to do.

Outdoor and indoor activities - Offer a variety of all sort of activities. The customer decides, not what you like!

Your believes & StatementIf you firmly believe in where you stand, describe it. Make a statement!

Itinerary example - Be clear that it is an example, go for a whole week. It is easier to downsize a program then add something to it.

Use maps - If you go to the unexplored, most of us have no idea, so show them a map.

The invitation - It sounds strange perhaps, but if you are invited you look for a way to actually go there.

Second to last and last page - Keep It Simple Stupid, a way to connect will do!

Additional graphics, photos, font style and colors - Be great and good, in writing excellent, pic(k) the right ones. If you suck at this, out source it.

How To Make A MICE Brochure?
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* The text on this page is in English because I mainly had contact with companies and organizations in and abroad.

* De tekst op deze pagina is in het Engels omdat ik vooral contact had met bedrijven en organisaties in en met het buitenland.