Our travel logistics partner TravelTeam Oss

Gepubliceerd op 1 december 2023 om 09:00

If you have ever traveled via Schiphol Amsterdam, you will have to walk quite a distance due to the size of the airport. The rolling carpets warn you every time with 'Mind your step!' This justified warning symbolically stands for every step you want to take before you want to go on a holiday, business or group trip.

The core business of TravelTeam Oss is private sales , which mainly involves tailor-made services. From traveling in Europe to all over the world, they know what to do in Oss in the Netherlands.

'Mind your step, before you go traveling!'

Mariëlle Henzen-Van Boekel has no less than 31 years of experience in the travel industry. As director owner of TravelTeam BV Oss, she has been 'all over the world' with her travel experiences and she and her team know how to unburden you and advise you on all your logistics choices, location checks and information about your travel documents.

Our TravelTeam consists of 3 people, whereby the group and MICE trips are arranged by myself. Every year I book about 10 MICE trips for companies, fully customized. You can choose to take me with you as a tour guide or to arrange it yourself. This includes about 3 steady business clients, the rest is often anniversary-oriented and changes regularly.
We offer everything you need in the MICE area, from departure to return. Also travel by private charters from regional airports.

Ladies only trips

Mariëlle from TravelTeam Oss has been organizing the 'Ladies only trips' for years and after all those successful ladies trips, she wants to roll out the concept together, she works together with a few other experts. Women can register themselves for a 'Ladies Only Trip' and Mariëlle will accompany them as guidance.
It started about 10 years ago, when Mariëlle developed her first 'Ladies Only Trip' to New York City, with mainly ladies from her own network. “It is of course very nice to know a large part of the group itself, but it is actually much more fun to also offer people from other parts of the country the opportunity for such a cool Ladies Trip and to have an even more mixed company. to get."
The ambition is to expand the Ladies Only Trip to about three trips a year, one of which is outside Europe, one to a destination on the Mediterranean and one long weekend closer to home, such as Antwerp. The latter is ideal for the ladies who have an even smaller budget, so that they also have the opportunity to get away.

Travel Team Logistics Partner Eng NL
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TravelTeam: The travel consultancy agency for tourist (and business) travelers, who:
• make high demands on expert information
• want a trip that is good in every way, but not more expensive
• are fond of privacy and service
• want to arrange their reservation at the counter, by telephone, online, by e-mail or during an appointment

So that is why Hospitality B2B MICE is collaborating with TravelTeam Oss the Netherlands

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